Yesterday, has held a conference disussed about " Analysis of wow gold market price fluctuations".Talking about the wow gold market price fulctuations in the past years and the tendency in the future,which help wow players to learn more about world of warcraft market.
1. The wow gold market price fluctuations in the past years
In the past 8 years since 2004 to 2012, wow gold price fluctuations is obviously very tremendous,studies have found that in 2008, 10000g is priced at $299, this a few big sales site in the average price, such as zyy ,mmocarts and In 2009, the price of 10000g fell to about $120, which in the end is the market competition intensifies, and reduce the threshold by the market, more and more organizations and individuals in the Warcraft gold market.From 2010 to 2012, wow gold EU market price met a downcut,which the cheapest price can be as low as $10 for 10K gold.
2.WoW gold market price tendency in the future
From the interviewed numerous wow gold industries,the wow gold market price in the future all depends on the wow subscriber numbers,world of warcraft players is growing,the gold price will grow up for an extent.On the contrary,wow gold price might drop
to much cheaper than the recent price. With the magic bestial game player 's reasons. So the most faithful game player wow gold prices acceptable.
"Though it's inevitable that wow gold market price fluctuations will make players harder to find a reasonable price at a time.It will only exacerbated the vendors of the competition,and in this competition wow gold buyers will get the welfare to buy cheaper wow gold from one of the best stores.
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Tongzhouseo May0413