Everyone wants, needs, and desires movement speed. What’s the best stat in Diablo 3? In my opinion, it is the movement speed. It is the rarest and highest valued by players! Only one item category can increase movement speed (not including abilities since they aren't gear) and that is boots. Needless to say, boots were my best selling and highest profit Diablo 3 item in the Open Beta Weekend. Guide For Making Diablo 3 Gold With the Movement Speed
Something I've noticed about crafting boots is that they are relatively cheap compared to similar level item slots. So not only do boots have the rarest stat in the game, but they are also fairly easy to create on a large scale. Couple this with lots of demand and you have a profitable niche as ever in Diablo 3.
10 Reasons Movement Speed is the Best: 1. You level faster. 2. It increases survivability. 3. You kill faster. 4. You loot faster. 5. Twinks want it. 6. Max level characters want it. 7. Basically ALL characters want it. 8. You feel rewarded immediately when you watch your character run. 9. You can move around town faster. 10.
Movement speed fits into every build imaginable. Everyone wants, needs, and desires movement speed, making it the best stat in the game. You can only find movement speed on boots, so they are therefore going to be one of the most sought after and expensive gear items in the game.
One other small but very important property to make sure you have is + Movement Speed.So what’s your idea? Do you think movement speed will bring you lots of Diablo 3 gold? Do you believe that boots (with high movement speed) will be the most expensive items sold on Diablo 3's RMAH?
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