In world of warcraft 4.3, Death Knight and warrior are two of the best rankings. But if we need to choose the one better for rankings,which do you think is better,death Knight or warrior ?
Death Knight Ranking 4.3:
The Death Knight ranking differs from the warrior almost inversely. Death Knight lacks Wow gold and those badass skills that the warrior has, and this is excluding cooldowns.Dark Simulacrum is pretty neat in certain cases, but ultimately is not very useful. I enjoy blowing up in Rags face, and doing 70k DPS in ZG, but the ability is under used and not very valuable. This isn't to say I feel bored necessarily, but the warrior has a lot more of the cool shit to do.
When tanking a boss, I find the Death Knight is the most fun class to play. I feel like I am actively taking part in my own mitigation, and I am. Obviously this is where the whole "active mitigation" talk comes into play. The other tank classes basically do the work for you right now, but with my DK, I am engaged from start to finish. Watching runes, watching runic power, watching my health, blood shields, etc. When tanking a boss, the DK is hands down the most fun class to play IMO. The cooldowns I have as a DK are very fun, and allow me to do things that no other tank can. AMS, DRW, and Bone Shield are all very unique cooldowns.
Warrior Ranking 4.3:
Prior to 4.3, warriors were slightly better DPS. After the patch, DKs are much better, since Blizzard decided to nerf Deep Wounds by 40% without telling anyone.Intervene, Heroic Leap, Charge, Heroic Throw, Shockwave, Shattering Throw, etc, etc. I find that the design in the warrior skills is amazing, and I really enjoy playing the warrior in encounters like Shannox, Rhyolith, and Alysrazor. Being able to have crazy mobility as a tank is really fun. When I need to be somewhere for a mechanic, and can Intervene, Charge, then Heroic Leap to cover the rest of the distance.
In terms of actively tanking a boss, I feel the class has something more to be desired. When I am tanking a boss, I feel a bit frustrated at the amount of threat I can cause (this is coming from a DK, so I'm jaded because DK threat is retarded). Additionally, I feel a bit bored when single tanking the boss due to the cooldown selection and skills I use. Keeping up sunders, and other debuffs is a bit boring after a while, and I just feel like I'm on auto pilot when tanking something.
If the warrior was getting hit for the same amount as a DK (which they are not) the warrior will, on average, block more of the damage (and then take less damage). Instead you take a different approach that makes the same exact mistake.Death Knight is one of the common played character and rank the better than warrior.However, it's easier to play warrior and act well in game.So whichever death knight ranking 4.3 or warrior ranking 4.3 is better,the most important is to choose the one that suits you most.For more information about wow guide and buy safe wow gold news,please refer to,you'll get satisfied service.
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