Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Balance Druid in World of Warcraft

The balance druid is just one kind of druid in world of warcraft, it mainly use the nature and magic the druid fluctuates the forces to defeat their enemies. And it is a mixed class in wow, they have the healing abilities, they can tank, output a huge Dps, they also can melee Dps in a very effectively way. So it is really very hard to control this class well, many wowers will make some very common mistakes in wow and it makes their balance druid in wow is not as powerful as they can. So what are the common mistakes that wowers will make with the balance druid in wow?

Starfall, an amazing AOE ability

The numbers of balance druids who seem to think this seem to be dropping every day, but there are still tons of non-balance druids who seem to believe Starfall is some massively amazing AOE ability who need to be slapped in the face. Back when we first got Starfall in Wrath, it was actually a really poor spell that was barely even worth pressing most of the time. After numerous tweaks, Starfall was made into a real damage cooldown that could actually deal damage, one of the highlights being some relatively strong AOE damage.Starfall never did high AOE damage because of the innate spell itself; it did ridiculous AOE damage because each star that landed had a rather large splash radius that dealt about half-damage to every other target in the area. This splash damage was a huge amount of damage, once added up. You also got a bonus in that the primary target splashed itself. Ideally, Starfall doesn't even gain any damage against two targets over one anymore. A few patches back, Blizzard changed it so that Starfall drops a single star every half-second instead of two stars every second.

Using trash to start boss fights in Solar

You actually don't want to try and abuse trash so that you can start inside of a Solar Eclipse. Don't get me wrong, you want to abuse trash -- just not like that or like that other way you're thinking. You actually want to start a single Starfire away from a Solar Eclipse instead of directly inside of the Eclipse. Why? Glad you asked, it's a funny story, really ... well, not actually funny at all. Really, it's because of Nature's Grace. By being outside of Eclipse, you can use DOTs to get Nature's Grace up at the start of the encounter. Then you can refresh Nature's Grace just before leaving Eclipse by throwing out a new set of DOTs. You gain a huge boost to Nature's Grace Uptime this way while retaining pretty much the exact same amount of damage overall.

Balance druids have great control

If you are in a situation where you have to make use of Fungal Growth, then try and eke out as much damage from it as you can. Although you can use all three mushrooms to slow with, generally you should only need two. Plant two on top of the mobs and one outside of them to extend the Fungal Growth field. If they survive long enough to make it out, Wild Mushroom should be off cooldown again. You can also Typhoon most mobs back onto the slowing field. Balance druids have tons of control tools, it's true; sadly, they don't quite work out as well in PVE as they do in PVP. Strange to say that, I know, but there are some very good reasons for it.

How to level up a balance druid in wow

Within dungeons during early levels, you'll probably still want to ignore DoTS and focus on nuking single targets that the tank is focusing. While DoTing everything yields higher damage, many early tanks don't have great AoE threat tools. Lay off the multiple DoTing until you're more confident that the tank can hold aggro against you. Once you're more solid on the threat, sticking to Solar and focusing on DoTs with Starfire is the best course to take.

Outside of dungeons you want to focus primarily on a nuke-heavy rotation utilizing Wrath, Starsurge, and Starfire. Even though your DoTs are high damage, most mobs won't last long enough for them to be of much use. It all depends on the situation. If there are multiple mobs in the area, then DoTing them all and then nuking them down one by one is most effective. On a one-on-one encounter, you mostly want to ignore them.

In this article, we have main talked about the  Balance Druid in World of Warcraft, when you are playing the  Balance Druid in wow, you should avoid those common mistakes so that you can make your wow character works well in every situation. If you want to buy wow gold to rich your wow charatcer, come to, we have the 24*7 live chat service, feel free to contact us at anytime.

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