Monday, August 6, 2012

What's The Most Difficult Raid Boss in World of Warcraft

There are many raids in Wow, some are easy to play, but some are very hard, then among the hard raid, what’s the most difficult raid boss in World of Warcraft?

When WoW first launched, the overall feeling was more along the lines of raids being very elite, and it's awesome just to down anything at all. Over time this has evolved into the expectation that raids should have varying levels of accessibility, and that downing at least certain encounters should be a reasonable mainstream expectation.

What's the most difficult raid boss in World of Warcraft
Ahn'Qiraj was clearly one of the hardest instances to date, and set standards in difficulty for all the rest.

The Twin emperors: Two bosses, one immune to magic one immune to physical. They would switch places and the tanks would have to pick them up instantly, if they got any where near each other they would begin to heal.

C'thun - Was impossible until a patch was released to fix it. Absolute coordination is required in order to do this fight, one person %^&*s up and it's GG

Ouro - Can't say much because I never did it, but it looked hard as hell, and from what I hear it was a bitch to do.

Every boss in there was extremely tough, and annoying to boot. That may be true to some extend, exactly how many alts and how geared they were I don't know and I have never heard anyone from the actual guilds themselves give concrete info on it. But even if they did do this, its still a far cry from actually raiding continuously on their mains. I kind of doubt any guild had more than 2-3 raids at 11/12 in that first week of progression, and even 3 raids would only give you 60 attempts per week which seems low compared to what was put into bosses like H Rag.

No matter how you look at it, H LK restricted progression on itself. We might debate on how much it restricted it but you can't possibly deny that it was restricted in principle. Even if they had a dozen raid groups at 11/12H ready to do 240 attempts per week, they still had to waste valuable time in cleared those 11 bosses over and over again just to get their next set of 20 attempts.

Bosses like Ragnaros and Lich King though involve lots of precision movement, organisation and very high awareness. They are by comparison much more complicated fights.

So in your opinion, what's the hardest raid boss in World of Warcraft?

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